They gave it the best picture award anyway 香港金像獎最佳影片:《十年》

The Hong Kong Film Awards ceremony was held on April 3, with the best picture award given to Ten Years, a Hong Kong independent film centering on Hong Kong’s political and social issues since its return to China. The win turned the film into the evening’s focus of attention. Despite China’s efforts to slam and ban the film, Ten Years still claimed Hong Kong’s biggest award. When it was declared the winner, thunderous applause resounded. Producer Andrew Choi said in his acceptance speech, “Thank you, the Hong Kong Film Awards, for having the guts to give this award to us.” He added, “Thank you all, fellow Hong Kongers. Indeed, it is still not too late.”

Ten Years is an amalgam of five vignettes, all of which pose the question, “What will become of Hong Kong in 10 years’ time?” In view of the film’s themes that satirize Hong Kong’s politics and reflect what is currently taking place in Hong Kong’s society, the Chinese government is fairly unnerved and has done its best to curtail the film’s screening.

Surprisingly for China, its ban on the film actually put Ten Years under the spotlight. More and more cinemas began screening it and there were few empty seats. It was even screened in several communities free of charge and received widespread acclaim. The film’s production cost was HK$500,000, but up to the day of the awards it had taken more than HK$6 million at the box office. In their acceptance speeches, the producers said the film was not made to make money or win awards, but to speak out for the citizens of Hong Kong, as it gives a truthful account of the apprehension and fear that has been surrounding today’s Hong Kong society.

Photo courtesy of Joint Entertainment International Inc

Hong Kong Film Awards chairman Derek Yee, who decided to present the best picture award himself, did so after first quoting former US president Franklin D Roosevelt: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

(Liberty Times, translated by Ethan Zhan)







1. thunderous applause phr.
如雷掌聲 (ru2 lei2 zhang3 sheng1)
例: At the end of her speech, students broke into thunderous applause.
2. satirize v.
諷刺 (feng4 ci4)
例:He satirizes his classmates to show how little he cares about them.
3. speak out v. phr.
發聲 (fa1 sheng1)
例: I speak out for dogs because animals cannot speak for themselves.

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